Government General Degree College, Chapra
Affiliated to the University of Kalyani
Approved by UGC under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956
ISO 50001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015 Certified
Anti-Ragging Cell
Government General Degree College Chapra has adapted the 'zero tolerance policy' in regard of any instances of Ragging in its Campus i.e., no act of ragging, major or minor, will not be permitted inside and outside its campus. Raggres will be punished immediately.
Lodge Ragging Complaints:
Contact of College Anti-Ragging Committee: | |
Email: antiraggingggdcc@gmail.com | |
Mobile/WhatsApp: 9647354575 | |
24x7 Toll Free Number of Govt. of WB: | 1800-345-5678 |
Register Complaint @ UGC-India Online | Website: http://www.antiragging.in/ 24x7 Toll Free Number: 1800-180-5522 E-mail: helpline@antiragging.in |
Notice: Reconstitution of College Anti-Ragging Committee:
Session | View |
Academic Session 2023 | View |
This is to notify that Anti-Ragging Committee have been reconstituted in Government General Degree College Chapra on 1st July 2022 with the faculty and staff members of the college in pursuance of clauses of 6.3 of UGC Regulations on 'Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions (3rd Amendment) Regulation, 2016' as follows (w,e,f. 1st July 2022). However, first Anti-Ragging Committee was constituted on 4th April, 2018.
Representative | Name | Designation | Contact No. | E-mail Id |
Head of the Institution [Chairperson] | Dr. Subhasis Panda | Principal | 9433692951 | cgcollege2015ku@gmail.com |
Representation from Police Administration | Officer-In-Charge | OC, Chapra P.S. | 03474270223(O) 03474271000(R) 9083269127 (M) |
pschapranadia@gmail.com |
Media | Smt. Madhumita Dutta | Sr. Reporter, ABP | 9163039840 | madhumita.datta@abp.in |
Md. Zeeshan. Jawed | Asst. News Editor, Times of India | 9830370090 | zeeshan.jawed@gmail.com Zeeshan.jawed@timesgroup.com |
Anupam Babu | Dooradarshan Nadia | 9434105392 | ddnewskol@gmail.com | |
NGO | Smt. Debkalpa Basu Das | Agami - A Society for Health for Self-help | 9230692001 | debkalpabd1@gmail.com |
Parents | Smt Kabita Halder | Student College ID: | 6296138885 | kabitah433@gmail.com |
Sri Khokan Mallick | Student College ID: | 9735435415 | ||
Faculty Members | Sri Rudra Sekhar Basu | Assistant Professor, Dept of Political Science & TCS | 9647354575 | rudra.s.basu@gmail.com |
Sri Sudipta Das | Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics & IQAC Coordinator | 9614981761 | daskgc15@gmail.com | |
Sri Ajoy Ghosh | Assistant Professor, Dept of History | 7685960515 | ghoshajoy86@gmail.com | |
Dr. Saikh Safikul Alam | Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics | 9804361313 | mesafi.alam12@gmail.com | |
Smt. Priyanka Pradhan | Assistant Professor, Dept of Sociology | 9830866487 | pradhan.3089@gmail.com | |
Teaching Associated Staff | Md. Abu Asik | Night Guard | 9432831118 | |
Sri Kisholaya Nandi | Cashier | 9674970013 | kisholayanandi@gmail.com | |
Local Civic Police | ||||
Alumni | Sri Sajid Tarafdar | Secretary, GGDCC Alumni | 8343078089 | |
Smt. Sangita Ghosh | WBP Lady Constable | 7679996441 | ||
Sri Tahajul Mondal | WBP Constable | 9064630417 | ||
Students’ Unit | Ms. Koyel Mallick | |||
Local Community | Abdur Razzak | |||
Lawyer | MD Eusuf Ali Malita [Mahakhola Village] |
Advocate, Nadia District Judge’s Court. | 9647246274 |
Anti-Ragging Guidelines
Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions by UGC, India:
UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions | 2009 | View |
1st Amendment, 2012 | View | |
2nd Amendment, 2013 | View | |
3rd Amendment, 2016 | View | |
Visit UGC website: http://www.antiragging.in/ |
Prohibition of Ragging in the Higher Educational Institutions in the State of West Bengal:
Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal | Circular: 780-Edn(U)/10M-75/2018 dt. 14.08.2023 | View |
Order: 849-Edn (U)/10M-75/2018 dt. 24.08.2023 | View |
FAQ on Anti-Ragging as per UGC Guidelines:
What is Ragging?
- Any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating, or handling with rudeness a fresher or a junior student.
- Indulging in a rowdy or undisciplined activity which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student.
- Asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.
- Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts, or disturbs the regular academic activity of other student or a fresher.
- Exploiting services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or group of students.
- Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students.
- Any act of physical or mental abuse (including bullying and exclusion) targeted at another student (fresher or otherwise) on the ground of colour, race, religion, caste, ethnicity, gender (including transgender), sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, regional origins, linguistic identity, place of birth, place of residence or economic background
Mandatory submission of "Anti-Ragging Affidavit" at the time of admission
As per UGC's regulations, it is mandatory for every student and his/her parents to submit an "Anti-Ragging Affidavit" at the time of admission and thereafter each year at the time of annual registration. Hence, all the students, especially 1st SEM B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. (Hons and General) students and M.A. and M.Sc. Students are hereby instructed to fill out the anti-ragging Affidavit form available online at the website: http://www.antiragging.in/
Step by Step Guide on How to Fill an Online Anti Ragging Undertaking
After filling the form successfully, you will receive the Student's Anti Ragging Undertaking and the Parents Anti Ragging Undertaking in your Email. Please print both the Undertaking, sign them yourself, request your parents to read the details and request them to sign their Undertaking and then present both at the college at the time of registration, each year.