Government General Degree College, Chapra

Affiliated to the University of Kalyani

Approved by UGC under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956

ISO 50001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015 Certified

Best Practice 1

Title of the Practice: Campus Cleaning

Objectives of the Practice:

College NSS under the active guidance of College Monitoring Committee is very actively involved in cleaning our campus regularly (one day in a week).

The Context:

Time has come to aware every citizen in our country to clean his/her surroundings for healthy and hygienic life.

The Practice:

NSS Unit is involved actively in campus cleaning drive regularly (one day per week) since it’s initiation in 2016 under the active guidance of NSS Programme Officer.

Evidence of Success:

Since 2018-2019 till 2022-2023 (June), our regular Campus cleaning drive makes us clean and our students have learnt that cleanliness is the key to make our surroundings and society a better future survival mainly from dust, diseases and visual pollution. For their tireless efforts, we have initiated ‘Participation Certificates’ and ‘Best Campus Cleaning Thinker Award’ from 2022. Now more than 100 students are participating for this Campus Cleaning Drive.

Problems Encountered and Resources required:

Due to backside unfenced area as a result of forceful land encroachment by the local cultivators since it’s establishment, our campus cleaning drive is getting disturbed day by day, although our securities are guarding us well.

Best Practice 2

Title of the Practice: Environment-friendly Green campus and conservation of Biodiversity and Eco-restoration Practice

Objectives of the Practice:

College NSS unit and Kanyasree Club under the active guidance of College Biodiversity Monitoring Committee are actively involved in maintaining College Butterfly and Biodiversity Conservation Gardens including Medicinal Plant Garden where locally available medicinal and threatened plants are collected in and around Chapra Block and preserved here in this garden. The garden is harbouring more than 5 species of Snakes. Garden is also harbouring butterflies, various types of insects, earthworms, snails, toad etc. and more than 20 species of birds made their nests here throughout campus trees. Also to save local biodiversity hotspots.

The Context:

Mainly to save locally available threatened plants including threatened cultivated wild plants, this garden was established on 5th June 2022. Main aim is to conserve locally available butterflies and other insects, local threatened plants including medicinal plants and cultivated wild plants, also local biodiversity hotspots outside campus.

The Practice:

NSS unit and Kanyasree Club are actively involved in maintaining these Gardens. Total 30 medicinal plants, 22 locally available plant species and more than 100 ornamental garden plants are growing in these gardens. Our NSS team is also trying to conserve local hotspots (locally available big bushes) where a variety of rare and threatened medicinal plants, fox, lizards, snakes and a good number of insects get shelter.

Evidence of Success:

Until now more than 20 species of butterflies and 30 species of other insects visited and are visiting our conservation gardens (more during spring and summer months). 90% plants are well grown, mortality rate is very low.

Problems Encountered and Resources required:

Due to shortage of funding especially during and after Covid 19 pandemic, we are facing so many obstacles to maintain these gardens.

Best Practices
