Government General Degree College, Chapra
Affiliated to the University of Kalyani
Approved by UGC under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956
ISO 50001:2018 & ISO 14001:2015 Certified
Student Support Information
For scholarship query, students must contact
Dr. Manan Saha, Assistant Prof of Chemistry & Nodal officer (7679465457)
Sri Nabarun Tikadar, DEO (9332649127)
Student Support Cell
That in case students have any scholarship query, they must send an email to: cgcollege2015ku@gmail.com
Committee members of the cell will be available in the IQAC room on the ground floor of the college on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 3 p.m., after the college re-opens. In case of any need, students can meet the members at that time.
Scholarship News
Govt. Scholarship table
1. | KANYASREE (K1), (K2)-for Under- Graduate students K3 (for Masters’ students only) |
Govt. of West Bengal to the girl students of the State pursuing higher studies. | April to March every session. | Girl students of the age between 17-18 (K1), 18-19 (K2). K3: Must be a Masters degree student of the college and must have received K2 earlier. All K1, K2, K3 applicants must be unmarriedresidents of West Bengal with Aadhaar card and a guardian’s voter card. There must be a bank a/c in the name of the applicant (single account holder). |
Contact for help (K1 & K2): Students' Support Cell of the College, their email is given in the college
website (see Notice in the College Website, Students' Section Notice Board). Google forms will be given in the WhatsApp groups
of every department through which data will be collected and forms issued. Apply Online for K3: https://www.wbkanyashree.gov.in/kp_4.0/index.php |
2. | CM’S RELIEF FUND | Govt. of West Bengal | Application may be sent throughout the year | Visit website: http://wbcmo.gov.in/donation.aspx#c2 |
Application on plain paper along with all related documents may be send to: The Assistant Secretary, Chief Minister's Office, 'Nabanna' 325, SaratChatterjee Road Howrah - 711 102 Download Sample Application Format http://wbcmo.gov.in/donation.aspx#c2 |
3. | Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship by Govt. of WB | West Bengal Higher Education Department (WBHED), Govt. of West Bengal to the poor but meritorious students of the State pursuing higher studies | Mid-September to Mid-November every year. Website: www.svmcm.wbhed.gov.in |
Visit Website: www.svmcm.wbhed.gov.in | Apply Online only: www.svmcm.wbhed.gov.in |
4. | Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship for Minorities by WBMDFC/ Aikyashree | Govt. of West Bengal | Mid-June to Mid-Sep every year. |
Apply online only at Aikyashree ScholarshipPortal: http://wbmdfcscholarship.gov.in |
5. | Stipend under Talent Support Programme for Minorities by WBMDFC | Govt. of West Bengal | Mid-Jun to Mid-Sep every year. |
Apply Online only at Aikyashree Scholarship Portal:http://wbmdfcscholarship.gov.in/ |
6. | OASIS Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC Students by WBBCWD | Meritorious SC/ST/OBC students of West Bengal by the Govt. of West Bengal. WB Backward Classes Welfare Department is the nodal operator of the scheme. | 1st week of June to Mid- Oct every year. Visit OASIS Scholarship Portal: http://www.oasis.gov.in/ |
Apply Online only OASIS Scholarship Portal: http://www.oasis.gov.in/ |
7. | Scholarship for Students with Disabilities (Umbrella scholarship) by GOI | Financial assistance provided by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Govt. of India to the students with disabilities of the country pursuing higher studies | For details: http://disabilityaffairs.gov.in/ |
For details: http://disabilityaffairs.gov.in/ https://disabilityaffairs.gov.in/content/page/scholarship.php |
8. | Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)" Scholarship by DST, MST, GOI | Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India | Visit Website: http://online-inspire.gov.in |
Apply Online only: http://online-inspire.gov.in |
9. | Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child,Scholarship by UGC, GOI | Financial assistance to meritorious Girl Students for pursuing Higher Studies (Scholarship for Post-Graduation) provided by the UGC, Govt. of India | https://www.ugc.ac.in/oldpdf/xiplanpdf/revisedIG_SGC_guideline24aug09.pdf | https://www.ugc.ac.in/oldpdf/xiplanpdf/revisedIG_SGC_guideline24aug09.pdf | |
10. | Free Studentship (Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme) by Govt. of WB | Director of Public Instruction, Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal | Contact Students' Support Cell or Students' Section Office of the College |
Contact Students' Support Cell or Students' Section Officeof the College studentsupportcell@maulanaazadcollegekolkata.ac.in |
11. | Jagadish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) Scholarship (Senior) | Jagadish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS), Kolkata, an Autonomous Registered Society | https://www.jbnsts.org/seshprg.php |
The dates of application, examination etc. are advertised in leading newspapers after the result of Higher Secondary
examination (West Bengal) is declared.Application form and the admit card may bedownloadedfrom the website: https://www.jbnsts.org/seshprg.php |
12. | WB Urdu Academy Scholarship | WB Urdu Academy, an Autonomous Registered Society | https://www.wbua.org |
Visit the website: https://www.wbua.org |
13. | WB AUQAF Board Scholarship | West Bengal AUQAF Board | www.auqafboardwb.org |
How to Apply and other details: website: www.auqafboardwb.org |
Private scholarship table
1. | Sitaram Jindal Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG & PG Courses | Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the Sitaram Jindal Foundation | https://www.sitaramjindalfoundation.org |
https://www.sitaramjindalfoundation.org |
2. | G.P. Birla Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses | Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the GP Birla Foundation, India | http://gpbirlaedufoundation.com/ | http://gpbirlaedufoundation.com/ | http://gpbirlaedufoundation.com/ |
3. | Swami Dayanand Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses | Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the Swami Dayanand Education Foundation, India | https://www.swamidayanand.org/apply-scholarship | https://www.swamidayanand.org/apply-scholarship | https://www.swamidayanand.org/apply-scholarship |
4. | Priyamvada Birla Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses | Financial assistance to meritorious Students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the MP Birla Apex Charitable Trust | https://www.ananteducation.org/WhoCanApply-AnantEducation.php | https://www.ananteducation.org/WhoCanApply-AnantEducation.php | https://www.ananteducation.org/WhoCanApply-AnantEducation.php |
5. | KC Mahindra Merit Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG/PG Courses | K. C. Mahindra Education Trust | https://www.kcmet.org | https://www.kcmet.org | https://www.kcmet.org |
6. | FAEA Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses | Foundation for Academic Excellence & Access (FAEA) | http://www.faeaindia.org/StudentZone.asp | http://www.faeaindia.org/StudentZone.asp | http://www.faeaindia.org/StudentZone.asp |
7. | Kind Scholarship for Female Students | HDFC Bank | https://www.hdfcbank.com/htdocs/common/ECSS_scholarship.htm | https://www.hdfcbank.com/htdocs/common/ECSS_scholarship.htm | https://www.hdfcbank.com/htdocs/common/ECSS_scholarship.htm |
8. | ACC Vidyasaarathi Scholarship for Students Pursuing UG Course | This scholarship program is designed for the candidates pursuing any graduation course like Bachelors of Science, Commerce, Arts any other bachelors' equivalent course. This scholarship program is only for students residing near the ACC Plant location | https://www.vidyasaarathi.co.in/Vidyasaarathi/ | https://www.vidyasaarathi.co.in/Vidyasaarathi/ | https://www.vidyasaarathi.co.in/Vidyasaarathi/ |
9. | SAATHI Primavera Scholarship for students pursuing Full time UG Course | Saathi Primavera scholarship programme is yet another impactful imitative from Primavera India | https://www.vidyasaarathi.co.in/Vidyasaarathi/resources/125/183_6.html | https://www.vidyasaarathi.co.in/Vidyasaarathi/resources/125/183_6.html | https://www.vidyasaarathi.co.in/Vidyasaarathi/resources/125/183_6.html |
10. | Anant Merit Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses | Financial assistance to meritorious students pursuing Higher Studies provided by the Anant Education Initiative | https://ananteducation.org/whocanapply-ananteducation.php | https://ananteducation.org/whocanapply-ananteducation.php | https://ananteducation.org/whocanapply-ananteducation.php |
11. | The Telegraph Education Foundation | The Telegraph Education Foundationpresents scholarship to students in desperate need of financial assistance | Last date for sending scholarship Application 15th September 2021 | tteducation@gmail.com | tteducation@gmail.com For more information call- 9051297250 |
12. | Kotak Shiksha Nidhi Scholarship | Kotak | Last date of application: 31.3.2022. |
For more details click on: Kotak Shiksha Nidhi | Kotak Education Foundation |